dontkillspike Mar 05, 2010 12:52
cast: james marsters, tv: caprica, tv: angel, tv: buffy, ghost of the robot, event: be my valentine, character: spike, movie: moonshot, james marsters interview, event: love hearts, tv: smallville, jamesmarstersandson youtube video, tv: torchwood, audiobook: dresden files
dontkillspike Mar 04, 2010 16:38
movie: dragonball: reborn, cast: james marsters, tv: super hero squad show, tv: caprica, tv: buffy, event: be my valentine, character: spike, james marsters interview, event: love hearts, movie: dragonball: evolution, tv: torchwood, audiobook: dresden files
dontkillspike Mar 02, 2010 00:02
album: civilized man, twitter updates, cast: james marsters, tv: caprica, tv: angel, tv: buffy, ghost of the robot, event: be my valentine, album: mad brilliant, character: spike, movie: dragonball: evolution, tv: torchwood
dontkillspike Mar 01, 2010 00:02
twitter updates, cast: james marsters, tv: caprica, tv: buffy, event: be my valentine, event: concert, angel comics, james marsters interview, character: spike, tv: smallville, buffy comics, movie: cool money, tv: torchwood
dontkillspike Feb 28, 2010 00:02
twitter updates, cast: james marsters, tv: torchwood video, tv: super hero squad show, tv: caprica, tv: buffy, ghost of the robot, event: be my valentine, movie: superman: doomsday, movie: dragonball: evolution, tv: caprica video, tv: torchwood
dontkillspike Feb 26, 2010 00:02
spike comics, twitter updates, cast: james marsters, tv: caprica, calendar updates, tv: angel, tv: buffy, event: be my valentine, event: concert, event: dragon*con, event: love hearts, tv: torchwood
dontkillspike Feb 25, 2010 00:02
twitter updates, cast: james marsters, tv: super hero squad show, tv: caprica, tv: angel, tv: buffy, event: be my valentine, event: wondercon 2010, event: love hearts, movie: cool money, tv: torchwood
dontkillspike Feb 23, 2010 00:02
twitter updates, cast: james marsters, event: sfx weekender, tv: caprica, calendar updates, event: supanova pop culture expo, tv: buffy, event: be my valentine, event: concert, character: spike, event: love hearts, tv: torchwood
dontkillspike Feb 22, 2010 00:01
twitter updates, cast: james marsters, event: sfx weekender, tv: super hero squad show, tv: caprica, tv: angel, event: be my valentine, tv: caprica pics, character: spike, james marsters video interview, event: love hearts, movie: p.s. i love you video, movie: p.s. i love you, spike comics, tv: buffy, tv: angel video, tv: torchwood
dontkillspike Feb 21, 2010 00:01
twitter updates, cast: james marsters, tv: torchwood video, tv: super hero squad show, tv: caprica, event: be my valentine, tv: super hero squad show pics, character: spike, tv: smallville, ghost of the robot, tv: buffy, event: concert, james marsters video, poll, tv: torchwood, audiobook: dresden files